Tart and tangy with a hint of sweetness, this granita is perfect after a meal or even as a refresher in the afternoon. I made up this recipe when trying...
Time consuming, but easy, and with hundreds of possibilities (cakes, frostings, and ice creams) -- this is sure to be a new favorite! You can easily double...
The use of whole beans creates an almost-white coffee ice cream, with all the robust flavor of freshly brewed coffee. The oil from the beans seeps into...
Kumquats are a small citrus fruit grown in Florida from about November through March. After the seeds are removed, the entire fruit is eaten, skin and...
My mum loves avocados and coconut milk. Since we have an avocado tree and coconut cream on hand, I tried making this fusion ice cream and it's heavenly....
Pink and turquoise sprinkles and edible gold stars are especially fun! Add food coloring to the magic shell after microwaving, if desired. Enjoy immediately!...
So creamy and relaxing, these no-bake, frozen pies whip up in minutes, but the effects last a long time. You can use chocolate, graham cracker, or pastry...
This tastes just like real Italian gelato, but low-fat. And using condensed milk, no one will ever know! You can use any of your favorite berries for this...
The best part about this incredibly simple, vegan-friendly recipe is that you don't need an ice cream maker to make it! It comes out soft and creamy and...
Southerners love their sweet tea, although I've never been a huge fan. These ice pops have a good balance of sweet-tart, but if you're a sweet tea lover,...
My sister-in-law taught me how to make these. Some people know them as 'Puddingwiches'. Chocolaty peanut butter goodness layered between graham crackers...
An incredibly easy way to round off a dinner party--but only if nobody has to drive home! I like to serve two small scoops in tiny dishes with homemade...
Vegan, sugar-free, no-cook, easy, delicious and nutritious! A creamy crunchy pleasure. Transfer to the refrigerator 30 minutes before serving for easier...
The trouble with most vegan ice creams is texture and flavor. If you use just coconut milk, you end up with something that tastes watery. The coconut cream...
A wonderful, rare Christmas treat! Make sure snow has fallen for 2 hours, as it takes that to clean air pollutants. Then take a clean blanket, and collect...
This is an easy pie to make, with spectacular results. Make sure to use the best ice cream to get the best flavor; I like Starbucks® coffee flavor, and...
This is the best Vanilla ice cream. This recipe was handed down from my grandmother and it is mandatory at all holidays and birthdays at our house. This...
Flavorful rice milk is mixed with coconut milk and coconut cream then churned to give you a frozen version of the Mexican drink horchata. An optional splash...
This dessert is a cross between a sherbet and a sorbet. It's so unusual that will knock your socks off. It has a lot of flexibility that you can easily...
Dairy-free, soy free. An amazingly rich and creamy ice cream. Very low in refined sugars. Definitely worth the effort and the wait! Excellent with nuts,...